
There is a wonderful quality that characterises the human body – it can heal itself from any defect or wound.

There is a horrible quality that characterises the human mind – it can strangle itself through any defect or wound.

The upshot of this is that you can appear to be normal to the outsider.

The downshot of this is that you are the only one that realises how horrendously wrecked you are on the inside.


Alas if the mind can debunk itself, then the mind can heal itself.


It can also fight back, and resist through plain stubborness.

But in reality the mind only wants to subdue to the strongest…


My will.


I am aiming my mind to be the conqueror of its own imperfection.

This is my rifle, and this is my gun. It’s both for shooting, and also for fun.

Through this, i am healing myself, up to the point where my true desires materialise and take shape.

When what should be mine, is mine, and what should not be, vanishes in contemptuous oblivion.


There is a beyond, i am dead certain about it. But that, i will see when i get there.

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